CARI.net Hardware Migration - April 2012 (archive)

CARI.net Hardware Migration - April 2012 (archive)

This page is to support the down sizing of the carinet infrastructure in San Deigo which EAS uses for redundancy.

Q: What does the failover service in San Diego entail? 

The production EAS is made up of three Linux-based virtual machines which reside on the VMware infrastructure at 200 Paul Data Center.  They are a Web server (which serves the web application EAS.sfgov.org), a Geo server (which renders the maps for the web front-end), and a database server (PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension).  As per the EAS Business Continuation Plan, if the 200 Paul Data Center becomes untenable, we would fail over to the identical configuration in San Diego – Web server, Geo server and Database server.  Because we have established database replication between San Francisco and San Diego via the secure VPN tunnel that Glacier and Aaron set up for us, DBI and other departments can be assured every change made in San Francisco is replicated in real time to the San Diego database, and would be available should we be forced to failover. This has the additional benefit of having an offsite backup of the EAS database and associated components.

Q: Are there month-to-month options available to leverage in light of our upcoming State DR site plans?

Yes; as we will be invoiced through 21 Tech/Xtech on a month-to-month basis for this requisition, if we chose to terminate our presence in San Diego because the State option is available we could do so and simply liquidate the remaining balance of the PO with 21Tech/Xtech.