User Documentation

User Documentation

Data Refresh

The streets and parcels are refreshed from Department of Public works every night. The imagery basemap is from 2018.

Street Numbering Rules

In some cases it will not be obvious what street number you should use.
In these cases, you'll need to refer to this document (AB-035):

Report Base Map Error

If you spot an error in the basemap, please contact BSM (see below).

New Street

Each street segment must have a 5 attributes before it can be created at Public Works.

  • low left side address number
  • low right side address number
  • high right side address number
  • high left side address number
  • from street
  • to street
    The easiest way to capture this is probably on a map but a table will also suffice.

The low and high address numbers are the responsibility of Building Inspection.
Here are the rules DBI uses to provide street number ranges (AB-035):

Once we have this information, please contact BSM (see below).

New Parcel

When you need to have a parcel created on the "base map", please coordinate the Bureau of Street Mapping (see below).

Dept of Public Works (DPW)

DPW contacts are listed below in order of escalation.
If you have a question about the streets, please start with Javier.

Marivic Huff (marivic.huff@sfdpw.org) 554-5910
Eddy Ching (Eddy.Ching @sfdpw.org) 554-6198
Joy DiFranza (Joy.Difranza@sfdpw.org) 554-5813
Geoffrey Schneider (Geoffrey.Schneider@sfdpw.org) need phone
Javier Rivera (Javier.Rivera@sfdpw.org) need phone

Adding a unit

When you add a unit to the base address, make sure that, if the unit is linked to a parcel, unlink the base address from that parcel.  Is this always the case? Example: 2169 FOLSOM ST. 

Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island Addresses

Addresses on Treasure Island should be assigned to Assessor Parcel Number 1939001. This is the only legal parcel for Treasure Island and so it is the only parcel that the assessor recognizes.

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