Setting Up Mail and Sendmail
Setting Up Mail and Sendmail
To get sendmail to work you need to do something like the following.
First we must set the smtp server.
$ cd /etc/mail $ sudo vi sendmail.mc $ # comment in SMART_HOST line and fill in the smtp host $ # for example: define(`SMART_HOST', `ironport.sfgov.org')dnl $ # for example: define(`SMART_HOST', `ompmta01.sfgov.org')dnl $ yum list sendmail-cf $ sudo yum install sendmail-cf $ sudo make sendmail.cf $ sudo /etc/init.d/sendmail restart
We also want to forward the email for root.
$ sudo vi /etc/aliases
and make sure there is a line like this
# Person who should get root's mail root: paul.mccullough@sfgov.org, jeff.johnson@sfgov.org
then type
$ sudo newaliases
As for crontab, every crontab should have this sort of layout with an email at the top:
MAILTO=paul.mccullough@sfgov.org, jeff.johnson@sfgov.org 15 1 * * 2-6 /var/lib/pgsql/replication/scripts/pg_resync_replica #15 1 * * 2-6 /var/lib/pgsql/replication/scripts/pg_resync_replica > /dev/null 2>&1 30 17 * * * /bin/cat /var/lib/pgsql/foo
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