2012.01.31 - Meeting with Treasurer - Tax Collector

2012.01.31 - Meeting with Treasurer - Tax Collector


Darrell Ascano, Richard Hagner, Jeff Johnson, Paul McCullough


In this meting we discussed the creation of an automated address validation process for the Treasurer - Tax Collector.

The details still need to be worked out, however, we think it will look something like the following...

Treasurer - Tax Collector places a 100K row CSV file onto a secure FTP server.

Each night at a specific time, and EAS process picks up this file and runs a specific set of validations which we record.

When the process is complete we write a validation results file to the same secure FTP server, and send an email to a Treasurer - Tax Collector group.

We will start with relatively simple validations such as "exact match on street name" and work our way up to more complex validations such as soundex on street suffix.

We anticipate that for every Treasurer - Tax Collector address there may be one or more validation row.

Darrel and Richard have already provided an example file.

We expect to be able to start work on August 6.


This work has been completed - see this page for the results.