Flat File Export
The EAS Flat File Export (FFE) is a compressed CSV file that is written to the DT Secure FTP Server and contains every address data transaction that has ever occurred in the EAS. This data product is best suited for those consumers who need access to the entire history of address data transactions that are in the EAS, specifically, all of the address creations and retirements, and all of the parcel-link creations and retirements that have ever occurred in the EAS.
The EAS data model is complex enough that rather than export individual database tables and views, and then describe how these table and views relate to each other, the FFE was devised to present a “flattened” representation of a subset of the EAS data model.
Please send an email to the DT-EAS-Support email distribution group if you are interested in learning how to consume the EAS FFE.
Record Description
Each FFE record represents a specific combination of “base address (table record identifier)” and “unit address (table record identifier)” and “parcel link (table record identifier)”. This is not an “EAS record”, nor an “EAS address record”.
The EAS FFE nightly job is initiated on Monday through Friday at 6:00 PM, and takes less than three minutes to post these data to the DT Secure FTP Server.
Email Notification
An email is sent to the email distribution group DT-EAS-Flat-File-Export when the FFE has successfully completed. This same email distribution group is also used to notify subscribers when the DT Secure FTP Server is undergoing maintenance.
This is the schema of the EAS FFE:
1 | id |
| “eas_address_base_id” (field #2) + “-” + “eas_unit_address_id“ (field #12) + “-” + “eas_address_x_parcel_id“ (field #22) Conceptually: “base address table record identifier” + “-” + “unit address table record identifier” + “-” + “parcel link table record identifier” | |
2 | eas_address_base_id |
| |
3 | base_address_num |
| See Address Number in the EAS Glossary. page 37 | |
4 | base_address_suffix |
| See Address Number Suffix in the EAS Glossary. page 39 | |
5 | street_name |
| See Street Name in the EAS Glossary. page 54 | |
6 | street_type |
| See Street Name Post Type in the EAS Glossary. page 56 | |
7 | street_post_direction |
| See Street Name Post Directional in the EAS Glossary. page 59 | |
8 | street_cnn |
| |
9 | street_full_street_name |
| See Complete Street Name in the EAS Glossary. page 63 | |
10 | base_address_create_tms |
| |
11 | base_address_retire_tms |
| |
12 | eas_unit_address_id |
| See EAS Address Identifier ( | |
13 | unit_address_base_flg |
| |
14 | unit_address |
| See Subaddress Identifier in the EAS Glossary. page 78 | |
15 | unit_address_create_tms |
| |
16 | unit_address_retire_tms |
| |
17 | disposition_description |
| official, placeholder Generally, you will not be interested in placeholder addresses, for example “0 UNKNOWN”. | |
18 | map_block_lot |
| |
19 | block_lot |
| See Assessor Parcel Number in the EAS Glossary. | |
20 | parcel_date_map_add |
| See the description for the column | |
21 | parcel_date_map_drop |
| See the description for the column | |
22 | eas_address_x_parcel_id |
| |
23 | address_x_parcel_create_tms |
| |
24 | address_x_parcel_retire_tms |
| |
25 | zipcode |
| See Zip Code in the EAS Glossary. page 96 | |
26 | longitude |
| In the WGS 84 spatial reference system. See EPSG:4326. | |
27 | latitude |
| In the WGS 84 spatial reference system. See EPSG:4326. | |
28 | geometry |
| In the NAD83 / California zone 3 (ftUS) spatial reference system. See EPSG:2227. | |
29 | complete_landmark_name |
| |
30 | address_type |
| “Landmark Address“, “Numbered Thoroughfare Address“ One of the values that are above, and is used to filter records of the respective address types. By definition, a numbered thoroughfare address may have a complete landmark name, while a landmark address will never have a value in the | |
31 | landmark_aliases |
| An array of complete landmark name aliases. |
Change Detection
The FFE only contains certain timestamps for a subset of the changes that can occur in the EAS database. Specifically, there are dedicated timestamps for when a:
base address was created (see the field
in the table that is above)base address was retired (see the field
in the table that is above))unit (apartment or condominium) (sub)address was created (see the field
in the table that is above))unit (apartment or condominium) (sub)address was retired (see the field
in the table that is above))(base or unit) address is linked to a parcel (see the field
in the table that is above))parcel in unlinked from a (base or unit) address (see the field
in the table that is above))
The FFE does not contain timestamps for every possible change that can occur in the EAS database. Specifically, there are no dedicated timestamps for a changed:
address complete street name
address location (coordinates)
address ZIP Code
address complete landmark name
address landmark name alias(es)
The following examples are all written using PostgreSQL 11 SQL.
Filter for all records that have changed within the last 7 days:
FROM eas_flat_file_export
WHERE (base_address_create_tms > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'))
OR (base_address_retire_tms > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'))
OR (unit_address_create_tms > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'))
OR (unit_address_retire_tms > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'))
OR (parcel_date_map_drop > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'))
OR (address_x_parcel_create_tms > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'))
OR (address_x_parcel_retire_tms > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '7 days'));
Filter for all active base addresses only:
FROM eas_flat_file_export
WHERE (unit_address_base_flg)
AND (base_address_retire_tms IS NULL);
Filter for all numbered thoroughfare addresses that have a complete landmark name:
FROM eas_flat_file_export
WHERE (address_type = 'Numbered Thoroughfare Address')
AND NOT(complete_landmark_name IS NULL);
Filter for all landmark addresses only:
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