Search Service

Search Service


In collaboration with the Department of Planning we have written a restful search service. This page describes that service.  Note that only parcels can be searched at this time.

Data Concurrency

The parcel data are updated every weeknight. Because these updates rely on lots of moving parts, they will fail a few times a year. We actively monitor this and usually have everything fixed for the next business day.

User Contacts
Aksel OlsenDepartment of Planning
Example URLs

NOTE: all the links in this section are to an internal server which is not accessible from outside the city (sorry(sad))

As of 29 April 2024:
Response from the EAS Development Environment
  "message": "",
  "success": true,
  "status_code": 0,
  "errors": {},
  "returnObj": [
      "date_map_add": "1998-07-01",
      "date_rec_drop": null,
      "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((6000289.649124582 2109189.63562273, 6000318.046377496 2109193.586402228, 6000331.938410096 2109094.554448066, 6000303.349556509 2109090.570860231, 6000289.649124582 2109189.63562273)))",
      "block_num": "1234",
      "lot_num": "001",
      "blk_lot": "1234001",
      "map_blk_lot": "1234001",
      "centroid": "POINT (6000310.746689023 2109142.095035398)",
      "srid": 2227

Response from the EAS QA Environment
  "code": 502,
  "message": "Bad Gateway"

The URL is case sensitive.

A parcel that exists:

A parcel that does not exist:

A parcel without geometry:

A retired parcel:

Example Response

    "returnObj": [
            "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((6000289.6490318738000000 2109189.6356368181000000, 6000303.3496173630000000 2109090.5707322196000000, 6000331.9383771177000000 2109094.5545561356000000, 6000318.0463601183000000 2109193.5863283621000000, 6000289.6490318738000000 2109189.6356368181000000)))",
            "block_num": "1234",
            "blk_lot": "1234001",
            "centroid": "POINT (6000310.7489634585000000 2109142.0785302911000000)",
            "lot_num": "001",
            "srid": 2227,
            "date_map_add": "1998-07-01",
            "date_rec_drop": null,
            "map_blk_lot": "1234001"
    "status_code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "errors": {},
    "success": true
Field Definitions
field namedescription
geometryThe parcel polygon's geometry expressed in WKT format.
block_numAssessor block number, which may contain non-numeric characters.
blk_lotAssessor parcel number (APN), which is the concatenation of the block number and the lot number, and uniquely identifies a parcel.
centroidThe parcel polygon's center-point in WKT format.
lot_numAssessor lot number, which may contain non-numeric characters.
sridThe parcel polygon's spatial reference system identifier.  See https://spatialreference.org/ for more information.


The date that the parcel became active.
date_rec_dropThe date that the parcel became inactive, or retired.
map_blk_lotThe APN of the ground-level parcel.

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