Right of Way Addresses
There are a number of AVS addresses that use a non-existant block lot but do have a valid street and street number.
These addresses are supposed to be "right of way addresses".
The ETL is currently rejecting these addresses (no matching block - lot).
Moreover the application is designed to prevent addresses from being created outside a parcel boundary.
We were not planning on supporting this type of address until a later release.
DPW wants this feature as well.
Option 1 (increase scope)
Use a "right of way" polygon map layer to support this feature
There are a couple of challenges
- the "right of way" polygon layer is not maintained as is the parcel layer (can we automate?)
- we would have to write some additional ETL code - possibly non-trivial
Option 2 (maintain scope)
Defer loading these addresses from AVS until the next release.
I assume we would have to focus on this issue in the very next release.
EAS is missing some streets.
When anyone finds that streets are missing from EAS or are incorrect,
EAS users shall notify Marivic at DPW. Maravic will make the corrections
which should appear in EAS the following day.
no such street name - number is non-zero (SITUS TO BE ASSIGNED, UNKNOWN)
We can supply the correct street and street type.
Val, I assume that we should simply build the SQL for this...something like:
- update addresses set street_name = x, street_type = y, where id = z;
no such street name - number is zero (SITUS TO BE ASSIGNED, UNKNOWN)
Jeff -can we do anything here?
invalid street suffix
We agreed that in specific limited circumstances we would update street suffixes in AVS.
- e.g. Stanyan Blvd vs Stanyan St (nearest one is Blvd but AVS says St - we should choose BLVD)
- e.g. Broadway vs Broadway St (there is no Broadway St - only alternative is Broadway)