Say that we are using the EAS user interface to examine the address at APN 1234001.
This APN resolves to 1301 Page St.
Clicking on "Details" will resault in the address details panel showing on map.
From that panel you can click on an APN and see this page: http://gispub02.sfgov.org/website/sfparcel/showlotinfo.asp?LotIDValue=1234001
According to Vivian, this is not exactly what we want to show at this point.
Instead we want to show the recorded map(s).
We think we know what to show and we would like Vivian to confirm.
So generally we think she wants to use this site:
- http://bsm.sfdpw.org/subdivision/recorded/
We can hack the URL a bit an provide this: - http://bsm.sfdpw.org/subdivision/recorded/recordedBottom.asp?block=1234&lot=001&streetname=&map=&book=&page=&box=&project=&projectid=
which returns nothing. We can also just enter the block and show that - http://bsm.sfdpw.org/subdivision/recorded/recordedBottom.asp?block=1234&lot=&streetname=&map=&book=&page=&box=&project=&projectid=
From there if you follow the links I think you can (eventually) see the recorded map(s) - for example - http://bsm.sfdpw.org/subdmap/subd/T44/T44032a.TIF
On that last link you may need to tell your browser how to handle a tiff image file.
This is not terribly elegant but it might suffice.
provide additional info for certain exceptions