no such street name - number is zero (SITUS TO BE ASSIGNED, UNKNOWN)
Jeff -can we do anything here?Option 1
- create a dummy street record for the UNKNOWN street
- duplicates are not allowed, so we would have to create 0..N UNKNOWN
- we would provide update statements such as
- update addresses set number where id = x;
Option 2
We can programatically select a good approximation.
- update addresses set number where id = x;
- query to get the street nearest the parcel centroid
- query to find the point on the street that is nearest the parcel centroid
- use that point and interpolation to choose the best address number
- no duplicates!
- spatial query to determine right/left side (then even/odd number)
- we would provide update statements such as
- update addresses set number, street, street_type where id = x;
Bear in mind here that this solution means at least 2 iterations of of the ETL process
First time through these addresses get excepted - and we generate the SQL.
The SQL is then applied to AVS.
On iteration 2 the rows are imported.
I like option 2 - seems likes a cleaner solution.
Amount of work for either option seems like about 2-3 days.
invalid street suffix
We agreed that in specific limited circumstances we would update street suffixes in AVS.